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Ben's UI Brainstorming[edit | edit source]

A raw dump of my thoughts on the Item creation UI.

  • 2 main approaches: realistic tool-based creation, or 3d modeling approach
  • For modeling approach, 4-pane view may be helpful (one for each axis, one for rendered result)

The other option is a single-pane, rotatable object. I envision this as equivalent to flipping the sword over on your workbench.

  • If we went with a physical creation approach, it still may be possible to use a grid system: have each tool have different effects on the grid.
  • Even with model approach, it'd be nice to approach the modeling from a "modify the existing object" approach rather than a "create from scratch" approach. Gives more of a feel of smithing
  • Vertex approach: view the weapon in terms of lines and moveable points. Can add vertexes at arbitrary points. Vertextes only move within limits. May need some method of introducing curves (upgradeable skill?).
  • Drawing approach: simply draw the weapon, and then draw additions/subtractions to it. Kind of doesn't feel as much like smithing to me, though.
  • 2 different phases: basic forging, then detailing? Perhaps each piece made out of a different material needs to go through the first phase individually? (i.e. make the blade, then the handle, then stick them together)
  • Players will often want to make symmetric changes to their weapons. We'll likely want some sort of option to make this possible: how?
  • How do you craft a tinker's item, or anything more complex, really? A bow? Clockwork items?

Potential forging tools/skills:

  • Basic item creation:
    • Forge (heat up to make moldable)
      • Bend
      • Flatten
      • Draw (smithing technique that basically involves stretching the metal)
      • Punch (poke a hole in the item)
      • Sharpen
      • Smooth (curve)
    • Attaching differing materials (i.e. wooden handle to iron blade)
      • Welding?
  • Temper
  • Inlay
  • Decorate (carve decorative patterns in)
  • Enchant
  • Material selection (if we view this from a "blueprint then forge" perspective, you can just change materials at will)

Gameplay results of weapons:

  • Material used (type and amount) = weight, affects speed/damage (weapons)/defense. Various materials would also have various properties.
  • Some way to measure sharpness? Would affect damage, maybe critical chances (distinction between cutting/bludgeoning weapons?)
  • Area of contact?
  • Weapon balance? (accuracy, speed)
  • Connective-ness (durablilty) (so if you connect a giant block of metal to the handle with a small, brittle fragment of metal, it'll break pretty quickly)
  • Some weapon attributes may serve simply to increase the price of the weapon. (Golden inlaid decorations, for instance). For some clients, you may be required to make weapons that are more decorative pieces than practical weapons.